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Canva Graphic Designs 

In these designs, I am seeking to educate people who want to design flyers and other visuals for companies. Four of the documents were created as a design for her social media used by a local DIY studio business(Nailed It DIY Studio)which I am interning for from May-August 2023, to promote her service and business. I closely analyzed the post designs and determined which elements were still highly valued and useful. For four of the canvas designs, I worked with a real-world client and engaged with a professional and her agency to ensure that my work was reflective of her and the company's values. The other Canva design is what I made for my sisters wedding week last month. These are just a few of the canna designs that I have done over the past years.

I used a couple of the principal of design including balance, contrast, and white space in both of these by making sure things are balanced all throughout the flyer. I made sure that the color scheme and layout were not too bright on the eyes and that the fonts were just right. I also made sure that things weren't too spaced out and the balance of text and images to space was right.

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